5. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılısı, 5. Sinif İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılı Sınav Soruları 2012 2013, 5. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılısı indir. derlemedir. İyi bir çalışma oldu.

a) Good morning             c) Good evening

b)Good afternoon         d) Good night

 2-.How old  are you?

          a) I’m 11 years old               c) She is 11 years old

          b) He is 11 years old            d) Fine,thanks

A: Where is she from?

       B: She is from ……..

a) Spain           b) France    c) the USA     d) Japan

4) A: ……… a picture of ATATÜRK in your class?

        B: Yes, ……….

a)Is there / there is                      c) Is there / there are

b)Are there / there are                 d) Are there / there is

 5)  A: Where is the clock?

    B: It is …the TV.

   a) on                      c) near

  b) in                       d) under    

6.      A: Are these balls or balloons?

         B : …………

  a) They are balloons                    c) It is a balloon

  b) They are balls                        d) It is a ball

7. fat X ……..  / beautiful X …….  / / happy X ……. 

      a) thin / ugly / sad /                    c) old / big / sad

      b) small / light / empty                d) new / thin / young


         A: What’s his job?

           B: He is ……..

 a) a nurse               b) a dentist          

 c) a doctor          d) doctor

9.      A: Is your aunt a secretary?

           B: No, she isn’t. She is a ………

 a) teacher             b) nurse                

c) engineer           d) pilot

10. A barber …….  stop the cars.

 a) can’t            b) can                  

 c) is                 d) isn’t

 11. A secretary …….  answer the telephones.

  a) is               b) isn’t              c) can                    d) can’t


I ………   cats  but I …………   dogs.


a) likes / likes       b) like / likes       

c) don’t like / like          d) like / don’t like

13. A: Do they like football?

       B: Yes, ……..

       a) they do               b) I do                  

        c) they don’t                d) she does 

14. A: Does Büşra ……  grapes?

       B: Yes, she …… grapes.

       a) likes / like          b) likes / likes        

      c) like / likes                d) like / like

15- I’m a student.I ……   early in the morning.

       a) get up                     b) gets up              

       c) go  to bed                 d) arrive


 16-   A dog …….. run but it ………… fly.

   Boşluğa aşağıdakilerden hangisi gelmeli?

A)     can / can ‘t               C ) can ‘t  /  can
B)     can  /  can                D ) can ‘t  / can ‘t

17-Aşağıdaki boşlukları  doldurunuz.
    ( have got  -  has got )

      She _______________   one mouth.
I _________________   red dress.
They _______________   blue house
He ______________    thirty six teeth
      We ______________     two hands       

18-Aşağıda karışık halde verilen cümleleri düzenleyiniz.

1.      have got / they / dog.

2.      black / has got / hair / my father

Do you like playing chess? (1)

I am eleven years old. (  )

How old are you?(2)

It is half past ten. (  )

When is your birthday?(3)

Yes, I like. (  )

How many flowers are there in the garden?(4)

My birthday is in September. (  )

What is the time?(5)

There are thirteen flowers in the garden.

(  )

24-Yandaki soruları cevaplarıyla eşleştirin

 19- Aşağıdaki boşlukları verilen hayvan isimleri ile uygun şekilde doldurunuz.

Rabbits – Horses – Ducks – Cats – Cows

1.      ………..……… don’t like dogs.
2.      ………………………like running.
3.      …………………..…… like eating carrots.
4.      ……………………. like swimming.
5.      …………………… don’t like eating meat.

     20 – Aşağıda verilen cümlelerin olumsuz ve soru cümlesi şeklinde yazınız.


1.      Henry likes playing basketball.

(      ) ………………………………………………

( ? )  ……………………………………………
21. A: What do you do every day?

     B: I …….   to school every day.

a)wash             b)go    

c)arrive            d)sleep

22-Aşağıdaki hayvan isimleriyle o hayvanları eşleştiriniz.

1-horse            (  ) I am a small animall. Children like eating my eggs

2-chicken         (  ) Iam a big farm animal. I have got a lot of milk for children

3-cow               (  )I have got a long tail. I like running.     

23 – Aşağıdaki kelimelerin Türkçe ve İngilizce

karşılıklarını yazınız.

Konuşmak:                       Fish:

Yüzmek:                          Farm:

Bizim:                             Sunny:

Uçmak:                           Water:         

25-.Aşağıdaki cümlelerde doğru olanın başına ( T ) yanlış olanın başına ( F ) koyunuz.


(     ) She has got a high temperature. She should eat an ice-cream.

(     ) He has got a flu. He should drink mint and lemon.

(     ) Sezen has got a backache. She should carry heavy things.

(     ) Ahmet has got a cut on his finger. He should use a plaster.

(     ) My mother has got a runny nose. She should see a doctor.

26) What’s the matter with him?
A)He has got a headache

B)He has got a backache

C) He has got a tooth ache

D)He has got sore throat

27- Whose hammer is this?

It is……………..hammer.

a) hairdresser’s    b) doctor’s 

c) tailor’s             d) carpenter’s

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